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            THE three persons of the Godhead, known as the Trinity, and exactly how they are co-related and co-existent, has long been a topic of discussion in the Christian Church.     The Scriptures speak of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit as the one God; this is not so unintelligible […]

In short, anyone. If that answer seems too simplistic we should remember that we are all born with a “carnal mind”, and an in-built hostility to the Gospel of Grace. That means we have nothing within us “by nature” that responds to the Word of Truth. So it follows that every one of us is […]

THE name, First & Last Ministries was chosen after much thought because, being involved in apologetics, we felt it should reflect our basic stand on a vital issue. While there are quite a lot of heresies found in the theology of the Watch Tower Society, the error upon which all their teachings are resting is […]

First & Last Ministries