JWs looking to move from current headquarters in Mill Hill, north London
Jehovah’s Witnesses Plan HQ Move
JWs looking to move from current headquarters in Mill Hill, north London

JEHOVAH'S Witnesses in the UK look likely to move from their current London Headquarters.

At the moment, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in the UK own a number of buildings in Mill Hill, north London, where they print thousands of issues of the Watchtower and numerous study books

But if all goes to plan, UK operations will move  to a former car breakers yard at Temple Farm which is located in Chelmsford Essex

The International Bible Students Association (IBSA), the charity used by Jehovah's Witnesses to distribute their literature, has agreed to buy the controversial estate pending planning permission.

Paul Gillies who is Director of the IBSA said:

"We're really excited about the prospect of moving to Chelmsford and the residents around the farm appear to be excited too,"

Read more: HERE

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