jehovah's witness shop in France
jehovah's witness shop in France


It looks like the Watch Tower Society has come up with a new way of spreading it's false gospel if this picture is anything to go by.

Instead of just coming to your door, now people will be able to visit them.

The Society has opened a new shop on a busy French high street.

Apparently the store, which seems to offer internet access to it visitors and a selection of Watch Tower literature,  is situated in Rouen, north-west of Paris,  and is part of a 6 month trial.

If successful, will we be seeing similar stores opening up in the rest of the world? Will the members of staff be counting the hours towards their witnessing work?

More pictures of the store can be found here News Wiki - NEW WITNESSING SHOP opens in France.

What do you think about this new move? Do you think it will be a success? Let us know by leaving a comment below.


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Hello Keith,

Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately you are sending your message to the wrong people.

First & Last Ministries is not the Watch Tower Society and we are a ministry seeking to reach out to Jehovah’s Witnesses and to bring them out of the Watch Tower Society.

We are sorry to hear of the affect the Watch Tower Society has had on your family. Should you wish for us to send you any literature that may help please do contact us.

benevides lima marilete

Eu, me estudo com os testemunha de jeova e ja encomtrei muitos erros e provas, e gostaria de mais detalhes sobre eles com documentos è claro alguns livros antigos, e tambem gostaria de saber onde posso encontrar o acordo que eles fizeram com a bugaria , se puder me ajudar eu fico imenssamente grata desde ja obriga

I, I study with the Jehovah’s Witness and ja encomtrei many errors and evidence, and would like more details about them with documents and clear some old books, and also would like to know where I can find the deal they made with BUGARIA if can help me I am thankful since already requires imenssamente

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