Was Jesus Created?

ANY Jehovah's Witness will tell you that they believe Jesus is not God, but was created by God.

 The Watchtower cites Proverbs 8:22 as proof that Jesus was created.

 22“Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago.

New World Translation

But does this verse prove that Jesus was created by God?

Various bibles translate the Hebrew word "quanna"  as "created", "produced", "brought forth", "begat" or "possessed".

It is this word that is translated as "created" in Genesis

However, what needs to be taken into consideration is that Hebrew words have different meanings depending upon their context.

But does the Jehovah's Witnesses own bible, the New World Translation (NWT) really prove that Jesus was created?

Surely the word "produced" suggests producing something that already existed.

For example, a person can take or "produce" a set of keys out of their pocket.  However, the fact is that they were already there hidden from view.

The person taking them out of their pocket did not "create" them.

When they are produced, brought forth, the keys are made manifest.


Questions to Ponder in the Kingdom Hall

1. Where in this verse does it mention Jesus?
A. It doesn't.

2. Does this mean that there was a time when God did not have wisdom?
A. No. Surely God must have always possessed wisdom.

3. If this verse is speaking about Jesus and that Jesus is Wisdom and God always had wisdom, what does this say about Jesus?
A. Jesus eternally existed.

Reunião em Salão do Reino

Steelman / Foter.com / CC BY-SA


The Watchtower, in using this verse as an argument for Jesus being created, is really saying that Jehovah God created Wisdom, rather than possessing it eternally. A fact that even they would probably disagree with.

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