WITH the sound of the doorbell still ringing in their ears, thousands of people, all over the world, are talked into joining a cult that will eventually take total control of their lives.
EVER since First & Last Ministries was formed over 20 years ago, it has strived to present the real Jesus Christ to those people deceived by the Watch Tower Society. And, in recent years, we have been greatly encouraged by the fact that the number of Jehovah’s Witnesses has been falling.
Now, following the lead of other outreach groups, including MacGregor Ministries and Witness Inc., we have come to the conclusion that we need to expand our outreach to include warning the general public of the Watch Tower evil!
How much simpler it is to prevent people from becoming Jehovah’s Witnesses in the first place, rather than have to pull them out by the roots many years later, with their lives and families in ruins.
It is with this in mind that First & Last Ministries is happy to announce a campaign aimed at doing just that.
The Plan
PICTURE this: Jehovah’s Witnesses are in their assigned territory, getting ready to cover your neighbourhood with the message. As they proceed to each door they are stopped dead in their tracks.
What has stopped them? Has a dog been set on them? No. Are they being threatened with a soaking from a well aimed hose-pipe? No.
Instead a little sticker has been affixed to the homeowner’s door saying:
What is the JW to do? Knock anyway and annoy the householder as usual.
No! The JW will obey the instructions in his own publication, Our Kingdom Ministry, 12/82, p.3.
"Occasionally we meet householders in our territory who are very opposed to our work and message. Some have even threatened us.
If some adamantly request that none of Jehovah’s Witnesses call at their homes again, such requests should be respected… Thereafter, each publisher who is asked to work this territory, should be especially careful to avoid irritating the householder and not call at his home.”
If the JW should bother the householder contrary to his instructions, the householder, who has the sticker, will also have a tract called “Danger At Your Door!” to present to the JW as his/her reason for the sticker.
Now for the best part. Christians who are prepared for Jehovah’s Witnesses will not put such a sticker on their doors!
If the Christian has approached his/her neighbours with the offer of stickers and tracts, there won’t be many houses left for the JWs to go.
Early reports indicate that neighbours are delighted to use the stickers and thank the Christian profusely.
Many Christians will find it a door opener to present the gospel and invite people to church.
Secondly, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be curious about such a campaign and will read the warning tracts in spite of instructions to the contrary.
In Conclusion
We expect they will gossip so much that it won’t take long to spread the news in and around their congregations.
We are extremely excited about this sticker and tract campaign.
Our goal is to shut the JWs down big time. Neighbourhood by neighbourhood, town by town and city by city.
Fellow Christians, please order as many tracts and stickers as you can and join us in exposing the danger of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Please Support Us
Whilst First & Last Ministries do not charge for their tracts, we do appreciate any donation that you feel led to give to support the ongoing printing and postal costs for this material