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Letters Page
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I WOULD like to share the most wonderful news which was conveyed to us today. My daughter-in-law, Michelle, told us that both she and our son have stopped attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall - she for over 12 months and Gerard, for about six months. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!

I cannot tell you how elated we feel - we have not felt so happy and uplifted in a long time!

This "Watchtower Nightmare" began for us seven years ago and they have been the longest years of our lives, causing us tremendous pain and anguish. Our constant prayers have been heard - they have taken the first step with the help of God's grace. We do realise that it is early days, that there is a long road to travel - but we have enough faith and believe that in His time He will bring them back into His arms where they belong.

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has prayed for Gerard and Michelle. It gives us great comfort to know that so many people have offered prayers for them - and we who are his family. They will be blessed a hundred fold! We truly feel that the Lord has carried us during this time of trial - we couldn't have coped with everything otherwise.

Please, if you would, continue to pray for them. It has been said, that it is easier for a person to leave "The Watchtower", than for "The Watchtower" to leave a person, and I believe that this is true.

This was indeed "News of great joy" to us as we prepare for the wonderful event of the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and it is heart warming to share this with you at such a special time.

God bless everyone at First & last Ministries and may His light continue to shine on you.

Your sister in Christ,

K .E.






I WOULD like to know how I can receive tracts for evangelising Jehovah's Witnesses.

   Your web site is quite informative. I have been searching for the right scriptures to help evangelise the Jehovah's Witness friends I know, and I have found many answers right here.

Please let me know how I can receive published tracts to hand out to my friends.


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    • Orders for all our tracts can be sent to our Carlisle address below or by clicking here.

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