Ohio village closes door to Jehovah's Witnesses.
JEHOVAH'S Witnesses currently have an easy time going door-to-door in the village of Waite Hill, Ohio, but they'd say it was somewhat more difficult, or at lease time consuming.
Like other communities, this 200-home Cleveland suburb has an ordinance on the books that allows residents to say whether they want anyone knocking on their doors offering something for sale.
Their names, updated periodically, are kept on file at Village Hall.
So when the Willoughby congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses decided to canvass the village and encourage its 480 residents to read the Bible, it asked for a list of those willing to have their doors knocked on.
Police Chief, Arnold Stanko sent the congregation a copy of the ordinance and attached a list of residents who have not asked to be excluded from solicitation.
It was a short list.
Only one person's name was on the list. And that person travels a lot and might be away for the winter, said Stanko.
Air Force Pilot kills himself rather than upset JW Parents.
A YOUNG Air Force bomber pilot crashed his plane into a mountain as he took part in his first live bombing mission.
On April 2, 1997, Captain Craig Button, flying an Air Force A-10,
took off from an Arizona airstrip.
Instead of heading for the target range, his A-10 ended
radio contact and he flew north disappearing into the Colorado Rockies.
When the wreckage and the pilot's remains were recovered the mystery continued. Was the crash caused by a mechanical malfunction or was it something else?
Just days before the flight, Button was visited by his father and mother a devout Jehovah's Witness who disapproved of his dropping bombs.
Investigators later found a Jehovah's Witness publication next to Button's bed which described the biblical story of Abraham sacrificing his only son as a burnt offering on a mountain, a passage which, according to his roommate, Button found very troubling. The night before the flight, Button got a mysterious phone call. Button's roommate told investigators he thought it was Button's mother and the call upset him. The Air Force report includes a psychological profile which said whatever was bothering Button "boiled to the surface ... immediately before he was going to drop live bombs for the first time." According to his instructor pilot, Button was late for his pre-flight briefing and appeared apprehensive before taking off from his base in Arizona. Once airborne, Button broke away and flew toward the Colorado mountains where, according to the profile, he "intended to die or be rescued by the divine intervention of God at the last possible moment."
Button's plane carried four 500-pound bombs which have never been found. What Button did with those bombs his mother disapproved of may never be known.