Court Official says denying a blood transfusion constitutes "First Degree Murder".
JEHOVAH'S Witnesses who die while following the Watch Tower Society's ruling that they should abstain from blood have technically been murdered, a court official has claimed.
The startling announcement was made during a Colombian investigative television programme called "SÉPTIMO DÍA" as it analysed the problem with the Jehovah's Witnesses blood policy.
In it, a number of cases were shown to highlight the fact that numerous JWs have died unnecessarily as they obeyed the controversial doctrine laid down by the society.
One Jehovah's Witness even admits that: "Many small children, lots of them, have died because of not being treated with blood transfusions, and in obedience to God."
But the President of the Constitutional Court of Colombia, Dr. Vladimiro Naranjo is not happy with the situation: "This is a form of murder, moreover, First Degree Murder."
And, when the presenter of the programme suggested that it could be a way of opening the doors for fanatical religious groups with suicidal ideas, Mr Naranjo concluded: "Religious freedom is not absolute, there are limitations, a religion that attempts to claim the life of a person cannot be legally permitted."
Speaking about the programme, a member of the Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood said: "This should send a very powerful message not just to the local branch of Colombia, but also to the "intellectual authors" of these kinds of crimes who keep a comfortable distance in Brooklyn, and also in different branches around the world.
"This is an issue that can have serious legal implications, and constitutes a clear message to different authorities, particularly in Colombia, who could, based on the word of the President of the Court, initiate penal actions toward the persons involved."