Jesus baptised
Jesus baptised

What JWs Believe



Jesus - His Deity

Is Jesus God or a god?


MANY early Christians were stoned to death for refusing to confess Caesar as Lord.

Instead, they would rather face death by resolutely stating that Jesus is Lord. The word Lord is not just a polite term of respect, such as Sir, but means Jesus is Jehovah.

But what do we find the Jehovah's Witness saying. Does he believe Christ to be God? No. Rather than being taught Christ is God, they are told by the Watch Tower Society that Jesus is a god, in the same way that Satan is a god.


But isn't Jesus called a god in the Bible?", someone may ask. This is true yet Satan is also called a god (2 Corinthians 4:4)"

Watchtower, December 1881, p.3.

Not only this, but the Watchtower goes on to prove it actually believes in Polytheism (the belief of more than one god) when it teaches that the 144,000 are gods.


When we claim on the scriptural warrant, that we are begotten of a divine nature and that Jehovah is thus our Father, it is claiming that we are divine beings - hence all such are Gods. Thus we have a family of God, Jehovah being our father, and all his sons being brethren and joint heirs; Jesus being the chief, or firstborn."

Watchtower December, 1881, p.3.

The Watch Tower Society also teaches that only Jehovah is worthy of worship and that to worship Jesus is unscriptural. But, what does the Bible say?

that all should honour the Son just as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent Him."

John 5:23 NKJV.

Surely then, just this one verse would mean Jehovah's Witnesses are failing to follow the Bible by not giving worship to Jesus Christ!


Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ."

Titus 2:13 NKJV.

Dear reader, let us shun this Watchtower teaching and join Thomas who said of Jesus; "My Lord and my God." John 20:28. NKJV.


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