Letters Page

PLEASE find cheque enclosed towards our subscription.

The new format for Concern is better. I would suggest tho' that you avoid shading behind your text, from experience with our mission magazine, I found it wasn't helpful in black and white layouts.

We're really encouraged when we see the increase in those the Lord is raising up to defend the Gospel of our Saviour.

I'm reading D'Aubigne's "History of the Reformation", at the moment, and it has impressed on me the fact that Satan's tactics remain unchanged in subverting the truth, and opposing the gospel.

I retired from our ministry last October, but it looks like the Lord has plenty for us to do, - because we've become known (or notorious) we get enquiries from all sorts of people, like the different kinds of ground into which the seed falls we see the truth of Jesus' words.

We trust this finds you and yours in good health, and the Lord's work prospering in your hands.

Tom & Ella McCrea,

Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland.




I AM writing to say how much I enjoyed visiting your Internet web site. I found it to be well organised and attractive.

My personal situation is that after waiting 42 years to look, I found my birth mom in less than two hours on the Internet.

It was very exciting until I discovered she was a Jehovah's Witness. Actually it's still exciting - why else would God inspire me to try and find her, grant quick success to that search and provide many resources to aid in my witnessing to her?

It seems clear that He has given me a position in her life where she would hear the true Gospel and give her the opportunity to accept His Truth before she dies (she has an unusual form of cancer, which eats away at her bones).

My wife and I plan to visit the UK next year, perhaps we'll be able to look you up. In the meantime, you are in our prayers and we would appreciate your prayers as well.

Peace and joy,

John Bjorkman,

Arizona, USA.




Thank you for your last copy of Concern received this week.

Our prayers are always with you, and when the chance comes and somebody asks for info we always , by God's grace, to do what we can.

My son-in-law, who is a minister at Stoke-on-Trent has JWs into his Rectory when the chance comes. He talks to them with our daughter and offers them drinks etc.

Our daughter, who is his wife, recently worked at a coffee shop in Newcasle-Under-Lyme, two days a week. Two of the girls she worked with were JWs. One really was an ex-JW with a non-JW boyfriend and being disowned by her family.

The other girl left, but our daughter built up a good relationship with her. Melanie (ou daughter) has now left the job but is still in contact with the ex-JW girl.

In His grace and love,

Roy & Judi Allen

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