CHRISTIANS believe that the Holy Spirit is God Himself, having the same divine nature as the Father and the Son.
But, once again, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught differently. He is not God but an “invisible active force”, with no personality.
In fact the Watch Tower Society even likens the Holy Spirit to a radar beam or electricity.
While denying that the Holy Spirit has no personality, the Watchtower attempts to prove that the most unholy spirit, Satan the Devil, is a personal being, to which we would agree.
The article, in the December 8th, 1973 edition of Awake! magazine, (part of which is reproduced below) says the Bible reveals the following proofs of his being: Satan carries on conversations; and he is called a “manslayer, a liar… and a ruler.”
Can an unintelligent ‘force’ carry on a conversation with a person? Also, the Bible calls Satan a manslayer, a liar, a father (in a spiritual sense) and a ruler. (John 8:44; 14:30) Only an intelligent person could fit all those descriptions.”
December 8th, 1973 edition of Awake!
Based on this “evidence” they say, “Only an intelligent person could fit all those descriptions.”
But, by using this same logic, does this not also prove that the Holy Spirit possesses a personality.
After all, the Bible declares that the Holy Spirit personally spoke to the church at Antioch.
In Acts 13:2 He commands the church to set apart for Me, Barnabas and Saul for the work which I have called them.”
In John 16:7,13 the Holy Spirit is called our Teacher and Comforter, while Hebrews 10:29 and Ephesians 4:30 teaches that He can be insulted, outraged and grieved.
Dear Jehovah’s Witness let the Bible speak for itself and cast aside the misinformed writings of the Watchtower.