Love So Amazing
The testimony of Miss E. Flanagan.
I was born and brought up in the Roman Catholic faith.
I was taken to Mass every Sunday as a young child and I made my first communion and confirmation.
t wasn't until my late teens that I began to feel a terrible emptiness in my life.
I tried to be happy with worldly pleasures and treasures but I found I wasn't happy or being fulfilled, and life itself was becoming very mundane.
It was when I went to work with a group of Priest and Nuns that I began to want what they had.
I entered a convent after four years of searching and really believed that being a Nun was the fulfilment I needed in life.
I found after 11 years that I was no nearer to God and that it was impossible for me to please God because I couldn't please Him by doing things for Him.
For God's word says: "For without faith it is impossible to please God".
I left the convent disillusioned hurt and no nearer to heaven. But God had it all worked out.
The house I lived in was just a few doors away from a Christian lady whom I became friendly with.
She had something I hadn't got and I knew it.
She had inner peace and joy and assurance of heaven. And it was during a mission she talked quite a lot about God.
I never thought of going to this mission until she asked me if I would like to go and I said yes.
At that mission I heard the Gospel for the first time and I knew from what I heard the reason I wasn't close to God, because the Bible says, in Ephesians 2:8-10: "For by grace are ye saved through faith".
So all my works counted for nothing. I couldn't pay the debt I owed to God because Jesus died for me and finished all sacrifice for sin when He said on the cross "It is finished".
I knew I needed to be saved if I wanted to get to heaven.
On the 31st October 1994 God had mercy on me as I repented of my sin and by His Grace saved me.
I thank God for the one who alone was worthy to pay the price of sin. He only can save us.
Love so amazing, so divine demands my soul, my life, my all.