blood transfusion
Witnesses Fight Ban on Blood
blood transfusion

Witnesses Fight Ban on Blood

Watch Tower Society faces court challenge


A GROUP of Jehovah's Witnesses have come forward to challenge the Watch Tower Society's policy over blood transfusions.

Eight members of the Watch Tower Society's Hospital Liaison Committee, or HLC, have issued a press release which says that they are "eye witnesses" to numerous deaths that can be attributed to Watch Tower policies.

And, on an Internet site, they have produced a 300+ page report which tears the Watch Tower ban on blood to shreds.

Now they are calling on the Society to change its policy and provide clarification and Biblical support for the various rulings on blood components.

In December the group sent a petition to the Watchtower Society in order to change it's official policy on the blood issue.

Failing this, the group is also preparing to take the Society to court in the United States of America.

In the meantime the group will await the Society's response to its petition and will reveal the outcome on its web site on February 16th, 1998.

For More Details Click Here

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