I VISITED your website and thought you did a great job with it !!
I would like to request some of the literature that you produce.
If you can mail some to me and also let me know what the cost is for it I would greatly appreciate it.
I am going to add you to my e-mail address book and I hope that we can keep in touch. I look forward to hearing from you.
T M, Via e-mail.
THANK you so much for keeping in touch. you have been a great strength to me over the past year or so.
I have just recovered from a serious back complaint. But life is looking good once again, I thank the good Lord.
My girlfriend was disfellowshipped about four months ago. But she is in great need of spiritual healing as a result of her involvement with the JW organisation.
But she is doing so well and is so much happier. Unfortunately her family have more or less shunned her. Please pray for her.
Also please pray for her family, that I may bring the true message of the Gospel to them, by means of the Holy Spirit.
Please continue your good work, I am sure you have helped so many spiritually and emotionally.
God bless you and all those with you.
D C, Dublin, Ireland.
I HAVE recently halted my studies with the JWs. I found out that the Watchtower employed a spiritist, Johannes Greber, to translate their first NT-NWT.
Greber claimed that spirit beings helped him translate the Bible. He and his wife are professed spirit mediums. I know what the Bible says about spiritism.
I want more info on this man before I make a permanent decision.
I have one article: Awake April 1st 1983-Q&A.; I would appreciate any info or sources of info you can provide.
Rick, Via e-mail.
I WOULD like to thank you for your literature on JWs.
I thought you might be interested in this article “Millennial Dawn” which goes to show all the JWs dates have had to be revised. Hardly the truth!
Interestingly, the date of publication is 1911, so near 1914. I hope you can use it in exposing the Watchtower Society’s error.
Yours by God’s Grace in Christ,
P T, Crowle, West Lincs.
PLEASE send me some information, as well as the current issue of your magazine.
I am a former member of another cult (The Way International), and so have an interest in cult activity, especially “Biblical” cults.
M S, Via e-mail.